2024 年定价
在 Plenty Practical 任教的第三年,我做出了一个艰难的决定,提高课程价格。尽管如此,我仍将每节课的时间保持在 35 分钟,并为大包课程提供折扣。课程仍可按包购买。请记住,在我的服务条款中,我要求学生缺课前 24 小时通知。如果学生突然生病或出现电脑问题,我会给予“三次缺课宽限期”。最后,请查看我的服务条款了解更多信息。感谢您继续允许我支持您的孩子学习英语。
Plenty Practical 老师
Teacher is a compassionate teacher that supports students by challenging them to listen, learn, understand and express themselves and their ideas to the fullest, starting from their skill level. All this is to expand your child’s connection to others in an empowering and engaging way.
She teaches using methods of Demo, Do it, Review it. All classes are experiential with lots of interactions! Students learn simple frameworks to improve their understanding, memory, and retelling abilities of any topic they learn.
Academic: M.B.A. Design Strategy 2015, California College of Arts; M.S. Work in Nutritional Biology, University of Chicago; B.S Applied Science, Indiana University.
Workshops and Certificates completed: TEFL, Duarte Methods in Public Speaking, Resonate, Perfect Pitch, The MAX with actor Paula Shaw, over 80 multimedia pitch presentations with teams. World Bank’s Rocket Innovation facilitator.
Creator: USAID AND SEC (SWISS), Perfect Pitch Bootcamp, the path to communicating your ideas.
Instructor, Facilitator, Group Leader:
ESL Teacher: completed over 10,000 online English as a second language (ESL) classes with students K -12, 4+ years with consistent attendance 2018 – 2021.
Expert Facilitator: 2018 – 2020, UNICEF’s educational web platform for character and EQ (emotional intelligence) instructional games, for grade1-3 and 6-9.
Instructional teaching in Science – Biology, Human Systems, Sustainable Ecology and Nutrition.
Instructional teaching in Design – Innovation, Design Thinking, Human-Centered Design, Adobe Illustrator, Digital Collage, Creative Thinking, Keynote presentation, PowerPoint and iMovie.
WeChat ID big_idea_teacher
Contact me via WeChat or email prior to purchasing all camps and camp-a-thon group sessions to discuss details.
Students experience English lessons to improve:
Pronunciation: learn the sounds of letters to more difficult sounds from vowels to blended consonants into single and multiple syllable words.
Reading: pronunciation, intonation, emotion, flow, and use of original sentences to demonstrate comprehension.
Key Words and Sentence Structures: build vocabulary and keywords altered for different parts of speech and build descriptive sentences.
Verb Forms: focus on simple past, present or future. Use perfect to continuous forms for advanced students.
Express ideas, Storytelling, Retelling: respond with keywords, respond with advanced original sentences and use a story or how-to keywords, and answer 5W 1 H questions when speaking or writing.
Comprehension: use keywords during comprehension exercises, in questions, answers, and free talk.
课程通过 VOOV Meeting 视频和语音进行。该应用程序可在 macOS、iOS 和 Android 上使用。
英语课程时长为 35 分钟。付款以 12、16、24、32、64 节课为单位。要保留您的时间段,请在剩余 2 节课时续订。12、16 和 32 节课套餐必须在 90 天内使用。
团体露营课程为 1 或 2 小时。在购买露营和露营马拉松团体课程之前,请联系 Tracy 老师,讨论预先计划、用品、运作方式和固定日期。
取消当您需要取消英语课程时,请在预定的课程前 24 小时通知,以便获得全额学分和重新安排的机会。
团体营课程要求全员出席。团体营课程不可重新安排或退还学分。购买前请联系 Tracy 老师了解详情。